
Policy and Pits

On the eve of celebrating our country's independence, there are two things on my mind; policy and pits. I should be thinking about the BBQ, sun, fun and fireworks. But I can't seem to get policy and pits off my mind. This is what happens when you are consumed with trying to figure out how consumers (like myself) can live more sustainable lives, thereby helping the world become more sustainable. You start to think about EVERYTHING!

Betty just came into the office talking about Genetically Modified Food and how our government will not pass a law that forces companies to label food that has been genetically modified. Great - now I have something else to think about.

Tip for fellow environmentalists, localvores, social thinkers, activists, and health nuts: Be careful about how you use your energy. Not everyone can take on all of the earth's problems, so be smart about how you educate others. Inch by inch, life's a sinch. Yard by yard, life is hard. We want everyone to drink the organic kool-aid, but we can't force it down their throats.

I have always known that it is important to stay up-to-date on the dealings of our politicians. (I am talking about law-making, not love-child making.) That is something that every American learns in school. We are a democracy, and that means that each person has a say in how this country is run, well, sort of. We can all vote and we can organize ourselves to promote change. I do believe this. I do vote. But it is hard to keep up with politics when you are running your own life. That is why we vote in representatives that we trust, well, sort of. Because we are too busy to know everything.

In our exploration to learn how we as individuals can live more sustainable lives, I have come to learn that it is really important to have a grip on what your representatives are doing about the issues you care about. I know we all learned this in the first grade, but I am finally understanding that lesson. So it took 30 years, I'm a late bloomer.

So I was pleased to read the article in the Globe this morning about Governor Patrick's new energy bill; The Green Communities Act. In an effort to help spread the word, we are talking with the Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships about having a panel on policy at Down:2:Earth next April. I am personally excited about having the opportunity to hear our own politicians talk about their work, and the ability to ask them questions.

And now on to the pits. I have known since I was a teenager that I should not wear antiperspirant. My parents made it clear that we are supposed to sweat, and that we should not block our pores. I have learned as an adult that there is an issue with the Aluminum ingredient in antiperspirant products. From what I have read on the internet, it is controversial. But logic tells me that my Mom is right. We are supposed to sweat - so learn how to live with it.

I am currently weaning myself off of antiperspirant and trying out various types of deodorants, in an effort to not offend my co-workers. I will keep you posted on this most important subject, and I am going to investigate the issue further to see what more I can learn.

Stay tuned for more policy and pits!