One week from today - Friday July 25th - Boston will host an official BIKE FRIDAY! Tell all of your colleagues and choose your best bike/casual-Friday outfit for work. I am already thinking that my black and white checkered Sara Campbell dress (local designer) will be perfect with my circa 1970 red three speed (as long as my wrench husband can fix it next week since I rattled it a bit on my commute home the other day and had to McGiver it with one of my hair bands). The skirt is full so I can easily ride my bike with it, and it has spaghetti straps for these hot summer days.
Let's celebrate not using gas - exercising our bones - and good local fashion all in one day. Okay, not everyone has to wear a dress, but this is a great way to get into the habit of riding your bike to work. The website asks people to wear green - so I will have to look into my wardrobe to see what I have. I may end up with a green bow tied onto my black and white dress. Nobody's perfect.
I know you have been thinking about it, so you have one week to get the tires checked, grease the chain and make sure you can find your lock (I have no idea where I left my lock). If safety is your concern, we will be escorted by police! Do it just to feel like a president - it is an election year after all.If you are riding from Lexington or Arlington, I will see you on the ride! Read the website for all the details - ride bikes!
Sustainably yours,
The D2E team
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1 year ago
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