I have learned a lot from my Mom over the years so as we approach Mother's Day it seems appropriate to pass on one of her great tips. When home for Easter I pulled a college stunt and brought some laundry home. I try not to revert to old habits, but my schedule was so dang busy in the month before D2E, it was hard for me to do my household chores. So I brought home a load of laundry, making my Easter feast a two-fer (and giving my brother a chance to heckle me).
While doing my laundry I noticed that my Mom had a ziplock bag with laundry lint from the dryer. This seemed odd, and I wondered if she had found a way to recycle it.
Mom hint #1: Use dryer lint to help start your camp fire.
Yup, my Mom's pretty cool. She recycles and she camps.
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